The Jackson's

The Jackson's

Friday, November 20, 2009


I have so much to be thankful for this year. I am first thankful for my Lord that has given me the three most amazing gifts which is my salvation, my wife and my son. As all of you know, this year, have been a journey for our family. I truly believe that we could not have gone through this journey without our Lord and our family. We would like to thank all of our family and friends for your love, support, wisdom and just taking time to lend a listening ear. We understand that everyday is a blessing from our Lord and plan to make to most of every minute we are given. Thank you Mollie for teaching me to love and for always taking up for me. Thank you JB for making me a kid again as well as given me a smile everyday. I count myself very blessed to have all that has been given to me and plan to take care of and cherish every moment that is to come. God you alone have provided it all and for that I am extremly GREATFUL!!!!! God bless and Happy Thanksgiving!!!!! Michael

Sunday, September 20, 2009

The world of the Jackson household

JB and Uncle Barry

J.B. and cousin Kim

MiMi and her boys

J.B. and Parker

The Clemson boys

J.B. and Uncle Paul

September has been a big month for the Jackson family. I have been settling into my role as being a mother and working at the same time. It has been quite a challenge, but I am glad to be back at work. JB has been adjusting to getting up each weekday morning and settling into somewhat of a routine. Michael is off on Mondays so they have a daddy/son day getting things done around the house. Tuesday through Friday he spends the day with my mom who is keeping him for us. This has been a huge blessing as we have had our struggles with our precious son. JB is up to 11.5 pounds and is 24.5 inches long. He is changing almost every day. Our latest discovery is our smile and our feet. We are entertained daily as he has learned that if he moves his feet, the objects on the bouncer or rocker will move and make noise. God is so good as he continues to show us his joy through our child. JB is sleeping through the night which we never suspected to happen this early. We know we better count our lucky stars for that!!

During Labor day weekend, we were able to see Uncle Paul, Aunt Kellie, and cousin Parker for the first time. This was a real treat as we were able to be together and see how they were adjusting to a little one as well. Parker is five weeks younger than JB. Parker is so precious and makes me proud to know that my little brother is a daddy. We also were able to see my cousin Jonathan, his sweet wife Lori with baby girl #3 on the way, and their two daughters Hannah and Madeline. On Sunday night, the whole family got together to for dinner at Aunt Ruth Ann's house.

Michael and I are so blessed and amazed by how parenting changes your whole perspective. God had changed our minds and hearts in the last 12 weeks of parenting. We are very excited to see where he is going to take us with many more adventures. Please continue to pray for JB. We thought that the sodium issue might be somewhat resolving but this week proved different. His sodium is back down, and we are on to see a nephrologist as soon as we can get an appointment. J.B. is continuing to grow however in spite of this issue. I have taken many biology classes but it has hit home that one minor issue can affect the whole body. Here are some pics of our precious son, Parker, and family.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Being a DAD

On July 1st of this year my life changed forever. I became a Dad. This is something that I have wanted to be for a long time. The first thing that came to my mind is that "OH MY GOODNESS I AM THE SPIRITUAL LEADER AND PORTECTOR OF THIS LITTLE MAN". It really hit home that I have to totally provided for my wife and little buddy. Then God reminded me that I will not go through this alone. I was quickly reminded of the song by Philips, Creig, and Dean that says "I want to be more like you because he wants to be like me." Lord, allow my son to see you in every area of my life at all times and to be geniune in all areas of my spiritual walk. I know that my little buddy is truly a blessing and miracle from God and I will cherish him forever. So being a Dad is wonderful and exhausting but so worth every minute of no sleep and poopy diapers. I would not change my life for anything in this world for my life is so full and blessed. Thank you Lord again for my wife and son and for your wonderful grace. I can't wait for the next one!!!!! Michael

Sunday, August 02, 2009

One Month Old

Wow! One month ago, I was giving birth to our very first child. July has been a month of mixed emotions for Michael and I both. We have experienced one of the neatest journeys through the birth of our son, but we have leaned more on our amazing God together than in the last three years of our marriage through the mysterious wonder of our son's condition. F.R.O.G.- thanks to the NICU respiratory therapist who gave us a frog and encouraged us one late night at NICU. However, J.B. continues to do well. He is still sleeping through the night except at 2:30 A.M. for his middle of the night feed. We are amazed at his many sleeping positions, noises that we hear him make, and how he continues to put down the 23% salt solution to keep his electrolytes balanced. J.B. and I have three more weeks together before I go back to work so I am very grateful for that. Tomorrow, we go to the specialist once more. We are praying that J.B. has gained a considerable amount of weight which is crucial, his electrolyte levels are continuing to improve, and that maybe some of the blood work which they have done is back. Many ask when Michael and I are out, "Where is the baby?" Well, J.B. stays close to home still but hopefully in the next couple of weeks we will get out a little more. As soon as my dear cousin Kim shows me how to put shutterfly pictures on here, I will have plenty of pictures for you to see. He is a handsome little man!!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Life at the Jackson household

If you looked at Michael and I before July 1st and told us that our life would change, we would have knodded and smiled at you. Can I tell you now that we really know what you mean? We have been truly blessed and had a wonderful time with our blessing from God. Michael took Wednesday to Wednesday off after we brought J.B. home from the hospital. This was truly a blessing as we had three doctors appointments to go to, two of them being in Greenville. With questions still to be answered, J.B. is continuing to grow and do very well each and every day. Suprisingly and we may be eating our words, HE IS SLEEPING AT NIGHT!! Michael actually has to wake him up to give him his bottle and medicine. Please do not tell us not to wake a sleeping baby because our beloved son is a special case. Ha! JB has enjoyed visits with Mimi and Poppi, Nana and Papa, Uncle Barry, Aunt Ruth Ann, cousins Matthew, Kim, Philip, and Braewyn, and other special friends. We are still keeping him in until we get an answer of some sort from the doctor. They are still baffled by what our son has exactly. However, we are just trusting in the Lord to continue to do a good work in our son. If we were to explain what exactly is wrong, most of you would give us a deer in head light stares. We are just simply telling everyone that he has a adrenal gland (the orange looking gland that sits above your kidney) problem which causes him to loose salt. He is continuing to take the salt solution in his bottle three times a day and steroid twice a day. Thanks so much for our friends and continued support through phone calls and prayer. We are truly blessed to have family and friends that surround us. God is good, all the time!!!

Friday, July 17, 2009

He is Home!!!

Praise the Lord!! We brought J.B. home on Tuesday afternoon. The doctors felt comfortable sending him home as he has to continue being on the medications. Yesterday, we took him to Dr. Amrhein (pediatric endocrinologist) yesterday. He is also puzzled with everything in his lab work and electrolytes. He feels that there is some adrenal gland insufficiency of some sort but not sure what. They are doing more blood work and sending it off to a top endocrinology lab in the country. JB's numbers are looking better. Just continue to pray that they can get to the bottom of the matter and that he will continue to improve as he is daily. My favorite saying even in the midst of all is "God is good, all the time!! All the time, God is good!!" We are so greatful for all the prayers and phone calls. We are truly blessed to be surrounded by wonderful friends and family. Updates to come later. Sorry if they are a couple of days late!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Update on J.B. 3

Greetings!! Everyone. Michael and I were able to get some news on our son. The doctor this weekend ordered an ultrasound of his head and adrenal glands. J.B. has gotten better at taking his medicine. Who would want to drink salted breast milk? So for the news.... Dr. Wood, the fourth neonatologist who has been over him told us today that he feels that J.B.'s electrolyte issues are due to bleeding on his right adrenal gland. Dr. Wood feels that this is something that will take care of itself and will continue to be treated until the bleeding has ceased. This is better news as the other condition would be life long and medicine would have to be given for the rest of his life. Dr. Wood also said that his left adrenal gland was normal, and that with congenital adrenal hyperplasia, both adrenal glands would be enlarged. We are not out of the woods yet; however, J.B.'s blood work is beginning to look more normal. As soon as he is discharged from the hospital, we will follow up with the pediatric endocrinologist within a couple of days. Please continue to pray for our little guy. He is a fighter and a gift from God that is indescribable to us!! We are so blessed to serve a wonderful God who continues to show his faithfulness every day!!! Promise, more pics to come soon.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Update on J.B. 2

I know that I have mentioned the staff at SRHS NICU, but I just want to praise them again for the wonderful care that they give the babies in the unit. J.B. is making progress as his numbers are starting to look better in the blood work. They finally were able to send off more blood work to determine the problem. We, as parents, will have to keep tabs on him that he stays alert, eats well, and does all the stuff a baby loves to do. As of this morning, he was doing all of these. The doctor wants to monitor him over the weekend, get blood work back, and if all goes well, we will go home with him on Monday. He has been put on sodium chloride (salt pill) and another medication which is basically a steroid (the good kind). For those that will want to see our bundle of joy, when you come to our house, you must wash your hands!!! His little body is already having to build immunity but also the steroid is suppressing his immune system. We love you all, but we love our little boy most.

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Update on J.B.

Here is the latest our friends. JB is still in NICU, but continuing to do well. He is totally off the IV fluids at this point. His blood sugars are under control and holding well;however, other levels have not been what they should. On Sunday, they began to worry about his potassium levels as they were 9.4 (normal below 6.0-6.5). To treat this condition, they would normally give him insulin, but due to the blood glucose issues, this was not the choice of treatment. The doctor decided to give him suppositories to see if the levels would go down. This was not fun to watch as he was not the happiest camper. Praise the Lord! His potassium is steadily going down each blood stick. However, last night we learned that his sodium levels are now not where they should be as they are to low. The doctor talked to us and said that he feels that there may be something going on with his electolyte levels since these three levels have been the issue. We are waiting on one test to come back and then to determine what other test might need to be done. Dr. Cole mentioned that there is a possibility that this could be linked to a condition called congenital adrenal hyperplasia. We are not sure but if it is, then this is something that can be treated. Dr. Cole is great and we are trusting the greatest Physician to continue to do a good work in our little boy. As for Michael and I, we are holding up pretty well. I am sorry if I have not returned your phone calls or have talked to you, but I know that you would understand. Soon, you will be able to meet our bundle of joy. Here are some more pictures from the weekend.

Friday, July 03, 2009

He is here!!!

Hello! all. Just wanted to let you know Joseph Brooks Jackson was born on July 1, 2009 at 6:46 P.M. He weighed 7 1b. 13 oz. and was 22.5" long. He had a shaky start into this world as the umbilical cord was somewhat wrapped around him. Let me tell you God is so good and faithful as He has proved this to us through this birth process. Due to the fast pace of J.B. moving through the birth canal, he was not able to receive the pressure he needed to clear everything out of his lungs so therefore in addition to the umilical cord, he had some fluid on his lungs. As the laboring process was being completed, the doctor said "NICU", and the post partum horomones kicked in quickly. That was probably the toughest abbreviation in my mind that I have ever heard as it hit close to home for us. We were told that J.B. would be there for about 4 hours and would be sent up to our room if all was well. Breathing was clear; however, blood sugar was not. They were able to bring him up for about an hour and a half, but he was quickly taken back. However, God continues to show his faithfulness. He was admitted and Dr. Cole told us yesterday that he felt that J.B.'s conditions were all due to stress of the delivery. Today, Friday, J.B. is going to start milk and will gradually move off of the IV with hopes that his blood sugar will remain elevated. The nurses here at Spartanburg Regional are wonderful and NICU team has been nothing short of amazing. That is all we have for you!! We will let you know what more is to come as the weekend progresses. Mollie will most likely go home on Saturday but not sure until doctor comes in today. Please continue to pray. We are doing well as this has been one of the hardest events I have faced but know that only this is the beginning with our precious son. God definitely was right there in the delivery process on Wednesday and that is all we have to say. Here are some pics of our precious, look like my daddy Joseph Brooks Jackson.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Bed Rest until delivery

As I write this blog, I am patiently waiting for the arrival of our son as I lay around on bed rest. For those that have had to go on bed rest for longer than what I am experiencing, more power to you women. I went for my 37 week check up and thought I would be coasting like the other appointments. Unfortunately, I got a different response. The doctor told me to go home and do absolutely nothing that night and be back in the morning. My bp was not good, and they did not like the swelling. On Wednesday, Michael, mom, and I went back. I saw the doctor, and he did not come back so quick. I knew something was not right or going to be good. Well, little did we know he said you are going home if your bloodwork comes back okay or you are staying in the hospital. They admitted me and by the nurse's reaction to my arrival and findings after examining me, she really thought I would be staying. However, the blood work was fine, and they sent me home to do absolutely nothing. Ugh!! We went back this morning thinking for sure they would keep me, they sent me home for bed rest over the weekend! We will see the doctor on Monday, and they will examine me to determine the next step: go home, get put in the hospital, or have baby. The doctors have all said that J.B. will make his arrival in the next couple of days. At this point, C-section is the most probable form of delivery because my cervix has not changed. Michael will keep you posted!! As for now, I must just chill as that is very hard to do. As Michael says,"Your daddy is coming out in you right now."

Thursday, April 09, 2009

My Wife is a Trooper!!!!

Hello Friends and Family! Greetings again from the Springs. I just wanted to give a shout out to my wife. She is an amazing woman and is taking this pregnancy in stride. I am so proud of her and the great attitude that she has these days. Please continue to pray for us as all of you know this is our first pregnancy and at times we are on edge. However, we serve a Great and Amazing Lord who is holding all of us in His hands. May you each have a blessed day and always stay close and clean to our Father. God Bless!!! Michael

Thursday, March 19, 2009

It's A Boy!!!!!!!

Hello Everyone,
Greetings from the Springs!!! In case you have not heard our next Great news is that Mollie and I will be the proud parents of a little baby BOY. We are anxiously awaiting his arrival for the second week in July. His name will be J.B. which stands for Joseph Brooks. The name Joseph comes from my first name and Brooks from her mothers madian name. Hopefully next time we blog we will have a beautiful face to show each of you. Please continue to pray for both Mollie and our son. We love each of you and will blog hopefully again soon. God Bless!!! Michael

Sunday, January 11, 2009

We are having a baby!

Yes, that is right. Michael and I are expecting in July. The tentative date is July 13th. Please pray for us as we transition into this new phase of life.