Here is the latest our friends. JB is still in NICU, but continuing to do well. He is totally off the IV fluids at this point. His blood sugars are under control and holding well;however, other levels have not been what they should. On Sunday, they began to worry about his potassium levels as they were 9.4 (normal below 6.0-6.5). To treat this condition, they would normally give him insulin, but due to the blood glucose issues, this was not the choice of treatment. The doctor decided to give him suppositories to see if the levels would go down. This was not fun to watch as he was not the happiest camper. Praise the Lord! His potassium is steadily going down each blood stick. However, last night we learned that his sodium levels are now not where they should be as they are to low. The doctor talked to us and said that he feels that there may be something going on with his electolyte levels since these three levels have been the issue. We are waiting on one test to come back and then to determine what other test might need to be done. Dr. Cole mentioned that there is a possibility that this could be linked to a condition called congenital adrenal hyperplasia. We are not sure but if it is, then this is something that can be treated. Dr. Cole is great and we are trusting the greatest Physician to continue to do a good work in our little boy. As for Michael and I, we are holding up pretty well. I am sorry if I have not returned your phone calls or have talked to you, but I know that you would understand. Soon, you will be able to meet our bundle of joy. Here are some more pictures from the weekend.

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