J.B. and Uncle Paul
September has been a big month for the Jackson family. I have been settling into my role as being a mother and working at the same time. It has been quite a challenge, but I am glad to be back at work. JB has been adjusting to getting up each weekday morning and settling into somewhat of a routine. Michael is off on Mondays so they have a daddy/son day getting things done around the house. Tuesday through Friday he spends the day with my mom who is keeping him for us. This has been a huge blessing as we have had our struggles with our precious son. JB is up to 11.5 pounds and is 24.5 inches long. He is changing almost every day. Our latest discovery is our smile and our feet. We are entertained daily as he has learned that if he moves his feet, the objects on the bouncer or rocker will move and make noise. God is so good as he continues to show us his joy through our child. JB is sleeping through the night which we never suspected to happen this early. We know we better count our lucky stars for that!!
During Labor day weekend, we were able to see Uncle Paul, Aunt Kellie, and cousin Parker for the first time. This was a real treat as we were able to be together and see how they were adjusting to a little one as well. Parker is five weeks younger than JB. Parker is so precious and makes me proud to know that my little brother is a daddy. We also were able to see my cousin Jonathan, his sweet wife Lori with baby girl #3 on the way, and their two daughters Hannah and Madeline. On Sunday night, the whole family got together to for dinner at Aunt Ruth Ann's house.
Michael and I are so blessed and amazed by how parenting changes your whole perspective. God had changed our minds and hearts in the last 12 weeks of parenting. We are very excited to see where he is going to take us with many more adventures. Please continue to pray for JB. We thought that the sodium issue might be somewhat resolving but this week proved different. His sodium is back down, and we are on to see a nephrologist as soon as we can get an appointment. J.B. is continuing to grow however in spite of this issue. I have taken many biology classes but it has hit home that one minor issue can affect the whole body. Here are some pics of our precious son, Parker, and family.